Skinny down weight loss experience to share
Lisa O'Daly successfully achieved her weight loss goal in just 12 weeks. Lisa O 'Daly recently shared her experience of losing weight, and the new diet has attracted a lot of attention.
Lisa O 'Daly has spent the past 10 years trying numerous diets and exercise programs, but most of them didn't work or bounced back quickly. Her final weight loss was attributed to a 12-week exercise program and a proper diet.
Lisa O 'Daly says she uses The Free Body Transformation Challenge, a program from a company called Ultimate Sports Nutrition, which involves exercising five days a week and taking two days off. Over the course of 12 weeks, Lisa followed the exercise plan and tuned her diet, eating more lean meat, brown rice, and vegetables, as well as supplementing herself with powder that came with the exercise plan. After 12 weeks, she had lost just 2.3kg, but her body fat index had dropped from 24 percent to 19 percent, and she was noticeably slimmer and several sizes smaller.
'It worked so quickly that people noticed a change in my body in the sixth week,' says Lisa. 'And it didn't work out any better at the end of the program because my exercise habits and my eating habits changed completely and I'm now eating very healthily.'
Lisa O 'Daly Outlines what an exercise program should look like:
Day 1: Leg and back exercises (squats, lunges, weight machines).
Day 2: Chest and triceps (flat dumbbell press, chest extension exercise)
Day 3: Shoulders (Overhead Dumbbell Push)
Day 4: Back and biceps (barbell rowing, squats, and curls)
Day 5: Planks and sit-ups
Lisa followed the exercise routine strictly for 12 weeks, working out for 45 minutes every day in addition to two days off a week, and gradually increasing her weight. During the first week, she carried 2kg in her arms and 65kg in her legs. By the 12th week, she had 8kg in her arms and 200kg in her legs.
Lisa's current eating habits:
Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: Salad, roast chicken, brown rice
Dinner: fish, steamed vegetables
Snack: Nuts
The purpose of this exercise program is to control the food intake and the targeted combination of exercise to achieve the goal of bodybuilding, unlike the normal weight-loss method, this method is more about effective bodybuilding, healthier and safer.